It took me a few seconds after I sat down to realize my rear-view mirror had fallen off. It was hanging from the ceiling by a wire. I was a bit confused. What happened? Was my window broken? No... I think it just... fell off. I had been suspecting this for a while, but at that moment it became clear: my car is an official P.O.S.
What to do? I picked it up, put it up where it was supposed to go, put it back down. I guess I just go home. I looked at the spot where my mirror was supposed to be, then craned by neck around backwards and backed out of my parking spot.
Driving home was interesting. Not only am I missing a review mirror but I have this thing flapping around my car like a plastic vampire bat on a string. Every time I turn I have to grab hold of it or risk being knocked in the head. To make matters worse, I think I have the least tinted windows you can possible have, and I didn't need a mirror to feel the guy in the BMW behind me laughing.
Don't worry. This is nothing a little Loctite Rearview Mirror Adhesive can't fix. Or duct tape.
Super-glued it back on. Almost glued my fingers together, but it stuck.