Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back to Work

Today was my first day back to work after a month off.

I was a little anxious last night like it was the first day of school or something. I thought I might forget how to work. I knew I'd feel better about the whole returning to work thing after a day back, and I do for the most part.

Everything is just how I remember it: crazy. I have a todo list that I'll never get to the bottom of. It's a priority stack. Important stuff gets added towards the top and not as important stuff gets added towards the bottom (where it will stay forever). When I pull an item off the stack to work on it usually gets its own sub-stack. If I don't keep up with this ridiculous bookkeeping I run the risk of forgetting what I was doing or missing something important. If I keep my todo lists organized and prioritized then it reduces my stress level. Got a million things to do? Just prioritize your list and start at the top.

My work is stressful sometimes, but in my experience, there is a scale with stressful on one side and boring on the other. For work, I'd almost always take stressful over boring, though when I'm stressed I can only hope for something nice and boring.

They replaced the arcade with a cafe. Instead of arcade games and pool and such I can buy sandwiches that were shipped there in plastic bags. I'm not complaining. I rarely used the arcade and often get hungry at work.

I had so many emails that I didn't even try to read them. First my Outlook crashed. On the second attempt I was able to click "Mark All as Read". Bam. Caught up on email. I'm sure that'll come back to bite me.

We're starting up crunch time. Not a few days or weeks of crunch time, but a few months. Thankfully, I get to ease back into it, and I should have a few weeks of normal hours. After that, there is a good chance I'll be able to put in some extra hours from home. I'm getting set up for remote access which I've never had before. I'm not looking forward to working hard all day then coming home and forcing myself to log in from home and work more, but it'll be worth it if I can see Levi before he goes to bed. I'm not worried about Noelle. She's bright eyed and bushy tailed between the hours of midnight and two AM.

Leah and the kids did good today, but today was a school day for Levi so the real test is tomorrow. It was great to come home and see them. I picked up Levi and carried him around on my shoulders and asked about his day. Then I picked up Noelle and thought about how this was the first time that I ever held her after missing her all day at work. Then she spew'd me. Then poo'd me.

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