I bought a digital copy of a twelve year old game today. I sort of forgot that Blizzard's digital games are distributed through the terrible, inconvenient, and obnoxious Blizzard Downloader.
I made the mistake of buying Starcraft II digitally and had to wait like twelve hours to download the game I paid $60 for. I could have driven to to Walmart, bought the game, stopped by the driving range, and installed it from disc faster than that. I can download games from Steam in a fraction of the time it takes to go through this peer-to-peer piece.
SO. While I wait for my game to download, we'll talk.
I never played Diablo 2. I don't know what I was playing around 2000, but it probably should have been this. I got to talking about the game with some guys at work, and it was apparent how much they loved it. One guy said he bought the game four times because his mom kept destroying his discs. They were all such fans of the game, they were heartbroken to hear about Blizzard dumbing down Diablo 3 for the masses. At one point the guy next me said JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT DIABLO 3. I CAN'T HEAR THIS ANYMORE.
I played Torchlight recently and loved it. I figure it's time for the classic.
Download complete!
I'm totally obsessed with this game right now. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite games in recent memory. Also, I feel bad for dissing D3. I'm nearly certain I'll be buying it, though perhaps only after I've play D2 for a long time. I expect a future post on D2.