Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Field Trip

Instead of going to work today, I got lost in a corn maze.

It was a field trip for Levi. I tried to explain to the kids that if we just always turn right we'll get out, but they didn't listen, so we wandered around and around while I dragged a 30 pound sled through the dirt (Noey needs some off-road tires for that thing). As dumb as it sounds to push an umbrella stroller around a sandy dirt field, it ended up helping us navigate. We avoided going down the paths that already had stroller tracks. We eventually traversed the maze, finding all five "stations". I was pretty proud until I heard that was just the kiddie maze.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Splinter Emergency

I have nine minutes to make this post, gotta get to T-ball.

Leah got a call from Levi's school. "Levi got a splinter and we asked if he needed to go home a little early. He said yes". So she picked him up early. Because of a splinter.

Levi told me she tried to get it out with tweezers. Then she tried fingernail clippers. Then she tried tape. I was incredulous. Then he said she tried to get it out with a tomato. I thought for sure he was seeing what kind of ridiculous tale I would believe. When I refused to believe his mother tried to take out his splinter with a tomato he confessed it may have been a potato.

Come to find out, she actually taped a slice of potato to his hand. I have no idea.

Anyway, when I got home from work I pulled it out with some tweezers. Levi said splinters are the worst thing you can ever have and Leah said "looks like the potato worked".